Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 24 to 26 - Trivandrum to New Delhi (by train)

 The train departure time was 1430 hrs so hopped the bungalow by about 1300. Bid adieu to the gang outside the Techno Park chai shop.

At the station parcel office, the bike was packed with both panniers on, leg-guard with helmet locked in, and both rear-view mirrors in place - quite a surprise because I remember Pune Station staff jettisoning such appurtenances 'for owner's own good' owing to cramped luggage van conditions.

These dudes didn't even ask for the petrol to be emptied. Too good to be true, and, on returning from lunch, I was to be reminded about free lunches. After paying the packer, who initially quoted a princely ransom for his ragtag job,  I went out to lunch of prawn fried rice and manchurian to a hotel across the road. Returned to find another platform lackey groping under the gunny-covers, trying to locate the fuel cock to fill a 30-litre bottle he held underneath. Luckily, the bike had a fuel lock.

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